A new year means a fresh opportunity to work on achieving your goals and making your dreams come true, so today we’re sharing our 6 favourite crystals for motivation!
Carnelian: For taking action, creativity and courage
Like a fiery sunset, carnelian has a red hot energy that is thought to enhance motivation, creativity, vitality and courage. It is said to inspire bold action to help you turn your deepest desires into reality.
Carnelian Crystal Generator Point Pendant Necklace
Amethyst: To stimulate and soothe the mind and emotions
February birthstone amethyst is said to provide calm, balance and peace while encouraging spiritual wisdom, awareness and protection. It is thought to bestow stability and strength, and to help facilitate the decision making process.
Large Hoop Amethyst Double Terminated Crystal Point Earrings
Ruby: For passion and prosperity
Energising ruby is believed to impart courage, vigour and a passion for life, stimulating the heart chakra and encouraging you to “follow your bliss”. Said to attract prosperity and abundance, it is also thought to to offer protection from negative energy.
Handmade Ruby Jewellery
Citrine: For imagination, manifestation, and personal will
Known as 'The Merchant’s Stone', citrine is believed to help you attract and maintain wealth, prosperity, success and positivity. An excellent crystal for motivation and manifestation, this highly creative stone is said to enhance your imagination and activate the solar plexus chakra, your source of personal will and power.
Handmade Citrine Jewellery
Garnet: For regeneration and vitality
Known as the stone of regeneration, January birthstone garnet is believed to revitalise, purify, and balance energy to bestow vitality and order into your life.
Handmade Garnet Jewellery
Apatite: For focus and ideas
A great stone for focus and thinking, motivating apatite is believed to stimulate your intellect to help you to clear confusion, access information and expand your knowledge. It is also thought to represent dreams and ideas, and help you overcome emotional exhaustion and frustration
Blue Apatite Gemstone Bead Drop Hoop Earrings